Sunday, November 17, 2013

My twitter conversation with Kory Watkins of Open Carry Texas dot Org

Well, as you've probably figured out by now, it wasn't much of a conversation. At 140 characters per entry, one can't say much. The eloquent Kory Watkins said even less than the 140 characters allow for. His final exchange, directly to me were--and I quote, "Face Palm".

Now, I'm not one to go all macho and hero-like on society in general, but "Face Palm", as in "there is no excuse for my behavior", "Face Palm"? And this is the so-called chosen leader of the diehard, wannabe heroes? Those gun toting, Libertarian (unaffiliated with any political parties, by their own admission), who's sole purpose is to "CONDITION" Americans into feeling safe with the concept of scared grown men and women--walking around with the average semi-automatic "sporting" rifle, formerly billed as an "Assault Rifle", by the gun industry itself.

And see, that's the point right there, isn't it?


"Come And Take It, but...what this is really about is the fact that I can't apply for a CCW, based on my criminal background record, and I will be denied, so...I chose to dare you to take my gun away!"

I have many opinions about what has caused this intrinsic fear, in the average, uneducated American male, who attaches "patriotism" and "the fight against tyranny" to carrying around formidable weapons, but "Face Palm"?

                      #FacePalm: is his defense against an honest and thoughtful question and or statement

And this is the end of the story (well not really the end, but I found out from Kory that my questions don't rate his perusal or thoughtful contemplation. One of his many Open Carry protectors, came out from behind concealment (not cover), and tried an attempt to protect this fearless leader of Open Carry from any undo Liberal interrogation!

I hadn't brought up the Law Enforcement issue in the same respect that this OpenCarryTexas.Foolishness.Org member had. 

Law Enforcement is one of Open Carry's main focal point, as well as, its main objective and objections in general, in this right to "Keep and Bear Arms" fiasco. The Open Carry movement, in general is not happy with the rise in crime, yet they tend to take one or more Officers of the Law out of their normal daily routine (of fighting crime--duh), by showing up somewhere they've staked out for one of their little gun toting events--where Break Free CLP is used like sun screen. And,--they even invite women and children, so they have something to hide behind when someone eventually opens fire on them. This is not a wish of mine, but the odds of a deadly exchange happening becomes greater and greater each time, as Kory encourages larger and larger groups to attend these Open Carry events.

I guess he's never heard the concept of reaching the point of diminishing returns.

I had posed a couple of pertinent questions to Kory, after I pondered, "What gets under this polecat's skin?" "What makes this little snark wrangler think by carrying a crappy, sporterized, AK-47, that those who live in the Gunsense world should be afraid of him?"

Trust me when I say, Kory Watkins is no Arvo Ojala, and unless you've posed as many questions to Arvo as I have in the past, then talking to Kory should be a cakewalk, right? Arvo Ojala owned a little boutique leather shop, in North Hollywood, down on Lankershim Blvd., and he was a close, and cantankerous old friend of mine. He'd send me business and I'd do the same for him. So, when people call these Open Carry crowd a group of gunslingers, well that, in and of itself, couldn't be further from the truth. Their gun prowess is nothing to fear, unless it's based on their showing you their shiny objects, and you consider their total lack of respect for gun safety and the 2nd Amendment in general.

They are a CLUSTERF**K!

They are a whole new generation of careless gun owners that need to be wrangled. My generation had similar problems, and the old guys placed their perspective in our laps, in order for us to continue on the responsible ownership of guns in America. These new guys (noobs) should have no problems with us, giving them a tune up on what that responsibility means when it comes to their Rights to Bear Arms, their ownership responsibilities, and how regulations of that ownership works. 1989 was the year George W. H. Bush gave the gun industry a tune up, and he didn't even discuss it with us.

So, I tried to discuss this issue of Open Carry with Kory Watkins, and wouldn't you know it, he copped an attitude! No, really, he did! This man of the people, this so called defender of the Constitution, "son of god", and aspiring Libertarian politician sloughed me off, as if my questions had no pertinence at all! How dare that little hairless mole rat ignore statements and questions posed by the people, for the people and of the people. To be ignored by Kory Watkin on twitter? Is he running for dog catcher? It was then, that my brow furrowed in total disgust, and my initial statement to him, was laid out as a the Tiger trap that I had used on many occasions before on his kind, hoping that he wouldn't take the bait.

Oooops. Oh well.

His comment here, was the reason I engaged him in the first place.

I couldn't resist asking this aspiring Libertarian politician a few questions about his past, and see if he could answer them for the people who financially back him and support is views. After all, most of you on twitter are considered "Nazi people", and it's only fair that Kory be given the chance to show us who he really is in retrospect.

Who is Kory Watkins AKA Kory D. Watkins?

(Right now, I'm tempted to tell you what the "D" stand for)

Just so we're clear, we know that "FTA" is Failure to Appear which kicks in an automatic warrant for your arrest, and "VOP" is either Violation of Probation or Violation of Parole, which means back to the hoosegow for Kory. It's a mixed bag of nuts, and either one shows that this House of Representatives hopeful, and I use that term loosely, has zero respect for any law, in general. Including the Bill of Rights. Why the hell would we the people ever pay him to be a lawmaker, when he'd just be collecting a welfare check, and has no sense of what the job of Congressman means to the people of the United States of America? He's not a law maker, he's a lawbreaker.

It was then, that I made this comment to Kory, after he responded to @norfud...

I hadn't noticed the "Face Palm" he'd given @norfud, but his comment about being a "law abiding citizen" just irked the bejeezus out of me. He's not a law abiding citizen! I mean, do people really buy the garbage that he spews from the recesses of his dark and dingy, social networking bunker, hunkered down-- planning the next intimidation assault on Moms Demand Action? Who is this guy? How does this sociopath think? Then he answered me, and I began to see what this Open Carry clown and ring master really was.

Learn the law? It was one of those primordial moments, when I wanted to dismiss Kory Watkins, like the Paleolithic creature that he is, in a evolving world of civilized human beings. Here's a Open Carry advocate, leader of large groups of well armed people, telling me I should learn the law? While his track record of breaking the law, shows not only a contempt for the law in general, but a blatant disregard for the average intelligence of normal Americans? "Conditioning" the German people was part of Hitler's SA Brown Shirts job. This proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the average Open Carry advocate is similar to Hitler's down trodden proletariat, whose main objective was a show of force through intimidation using the Sturmabteilung, as long as there was enough beer in it for them at the end of the Million Man Gun Putsch.  

Gleichschaltung doesn't work on me.

I decided to rattle his cage, just that much more, to see if he was made of anything more than straw.

If this didn't make him stand up and spout his Libertarian viewpoint of the United States Constitution according to Ayn Rand, with all its hedonistic inflections and moderately psychotic,--misguided and misinterpreted rantings (those like any good Tea Party goon would spew), then he has no real cause he backs. If I hadn't tried expose his false Constitutional rhetoric, then I hadn't done my job as one of the many people who he needs to understand his position where this Open Carry crap keeps showing up, uninvited and heavily armed!

His answer to me:

My retort was simple:

#FacePalm is a display of frustration, disappointment, embarrassment...not to be confused with "patriotism", or "heroism", or "bravery". Even a gun can't fix such an embarrassing moment in Open Carry history. But, as these crowds of armed insurgents grow in size, I'm sure there will be many more embarrassing moments like this one for Kory Watkins.

Before and after pictures kind of explain how he feels about having his picture taken in public now.

                                                   Taken  at Blue Mesa parking lot:


                                                    OpenCarryTexas event: 11/16/2013

            "MAYBE IF I DUCK-- NO ONE WILL KNOW WHO I AM" (lower right corner)

With lowered head. The only thing missing in the above picture is Kory Watkins' signature #FacePalm of Embarrassment.

I don't think Kory Watkins will ever engage me in a twitter conversation again. 

His bravery on this issue of Open Carry is aptly slung across his chest.

He is no patriot.
He is not fighting tyranny.
He is not brave.

He is a #Gunbully and a leader of a group of #Gunbullies

I'm not anti-gun.

I'm anti-gunbully!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Progun vs. Gunsense on Twitter

After three suspensions by twitter, for telling the truth about guns, laws, and basic general information for the novice, who seeks a safer America, I was prompted to write this particular post on how to handle one's self, when engaged in mortal twitter combat against the Progun side of this argument. It's just advice. You don't have to adhere to it, but it might be useful.

Here's a little background information.

Let me make some things clear:

1) I am for total, unbiased Gunsense. I make no bones about it. I do not care what people think about my stand against unnecessary gun deaths in America. That is their issue. The 2nd Amendment is not under attack, and I don't see it being repealed in any form or fashion in the near future. Open carry, on the other hand, has become an abomination to the very soul of mankind, as well as the 2nd Amendment. Let's not pretend that America is at war (like Iraq or Afghanistan), and there is a purposeful need to carry a firearm. If you feel the need to open carry in America, then you need more help than the 2nd Amendment can offer you.

2) Please, Gunsense people, do not attack my style of writing, as I revel in giving a sarcastic, irreverent analysis of almost every detail I come in contact with, when speaking on the issues of guns and gun ownership. Once a final analysis is determined (by using my cunning auditor skills of assessing data, based on facts and details), I usually gnaw at the bone of the problem until I reach the marrow of the issue, licking my chops along the way. I expect the attack from Progun people, not from you.

3) I used to deal in Arms, so I know more than a lot more than most Progun idiots you'll encounter along the way. They'll try and discredit me. That's because I choose the side of common sense. You can believe what you want about me. I did not own my own store front, but I did hold an FFL for many years, long before a store front was required to have one by Los Angeles ordinance. I worked as a manager at one of the largest gun stores in America (when it was operation: it is now defunct). I had absolutely nothing to do with the ownership of their business nor did I own stock in their corporation. I had nothing to do with how they handled their mishandled monies, their personal dealings with DOJ, or their underhanded dealings with each other.

If you are a Progun moron, looking to attach the Kahn brothers lives to mine, other than an paid employee, then you need to look me up through the NIC database and see what you can find out, or have me checked out through the B.A.T.F. Either way, I'll come out squeaky clean. So, it's better to hush, because that route has been traveled by a few of you Progun people, and you've failed.

Comprende, amigo?

4) If you are a Gunsense person, and you need an education on the industry, which you have an issue with, it's best not to flame these posts, where I'm here to give you information on said industry. It puts a bad taste in everyone's mouth, especially when you attack someone who supports Gunsense values as I do. In other words, don't mistake me for a Progun idiot, who runs around strapped to prove I have gun rights. I'm not that guy. I wore a gun, strapped to my hip, for work purposes, for many years. I've been saved by my own common sense and realized the error of my ways. My atonement for the sins of selling so much death and destruction is educating those of you who really haven't a clue what they're facing when taking on the NRA and Progun fanatics where the 2nd Amendment is concerned.

So here is the truth about guns:

It's a business.
It's Global. (Global Small Arms Trade Info-Interactive Map)
There is a ton of money to be made.
Legally or illegally.

Those are the basics.

Why am I posting this particular Gunsense article? 

You need to understand, when you engage in a conversation with the Progun side on twitter, that the whole concept of engaging you, Gunsense advocates, in a conversation with them, is to get your twitter account suspended. They like to gang up on an 'individual', and send out information to twitter claiming that you, the Gunsense person, are spamming or being abusive. It is a weak tactic to get you to stop posting tweets on Gunsense. They are well organized and that is why they *retweet* your comments, so many Progun people can engage you at once.

It doesn't matter what you say. It only matters that twitter thinks what you've said is "spam".

It's called "gulaging"

The goal is to get your account suspended so many time that you violate TOS and it is permanently banned. They'll hate you even more if you know what going on, but they will refrain from trying to "gulag" you. They will taunt you, but you will figure out soon enough what they are trying to do, even if they are being nice to you. Remember, they report all of your comments (tweets) back to them as spam that they didn't request, and that you initiated. I might do a post on this subject alone, as it has had a detrimental effect on getting out the Gunsense message, and we must work as a network.

#TGDN means Twitter Gulag Defense Network

It is the only tactic that Progun can use to win their argument. They aren't interested in your opinion and they are not open to suggestions, or seeking a solution to gun violence and unnecessary death in America.

In order for the Gunsense message to be heard, you must avoid engaging them in conversation. Even when they call you a liar. There is one person in particular, who every five minutes, calls a Gunsense individual a "liar", on a completely separate thread from the one you've started to isolate you, in hopes you will engage him, so he can call in his twitter troops to corner you. He's a Progun moron. He sells t-shirts, not guns. You are messing with his Progun t-shirt business, and bringing down the walls of his city. He knows very little about weapons, especially the type you want regulated. He's part of the twitter Progun movement. He likes to call people "bigots". He uses inflammatory language, when he comments on your Gunsense tweet.

It is a ruse.

Be aware, and avoid him.

Let him babble. It's what he does best.

It's a simple concept.

Say what is necessary.

Do not engage.

If asked to give proof, have it at the ready.

Make sure the proof you give is not arbitrary proof.

Example: "6.6 million guns are sold EVERY YEAR in the U.S. without background checks."

That is true, based on 2012 statistics.

Yet does not apply to EVERY other year, including 2013.

Actually, based on the statistical information used for back ground checks for purchases and denial of gun purchase in 2012, the assumed 40% of private part transactions would amount to 6.7 million. (16,808, 538 x 40% = 6,723, 415)

The current given data "6.6 million guns", was an extrapolation formulated by using the same type of statistical information gathered by Professors Philip J. Cook and Jens Ludwig from their 1996 analysis of Guns in America, By using 2012 current background checks and the same 40% private party transaction factor rate, current figures arrive at "6.6 million guns are sold EVERY YEAR in the U.S. without background checks."

It's really that simple.

It's not rocket science.

It's exponential math analysis.

Yet the real numbers can never be calculated unless Gunsense puts an end to private party transactions

That's a lot of math for a Progun advocate, so of course he'll call you a 'liar'. He'll never look at the links within the article that you've posted on "Guns Acquired Without Background Checks". That would be too much work for him. It's easier for him NOT to deal with facts. If he did, then he wouldn't have super duper Progun, "you're violating my 2nd Amendment rights!" leg to stand on. Facts just confuse him. He wants to control the Progun argument stance by ignoring your Gunsense facts.

That is because his game is not about using your facts. It's about disputing your facts, just long enough to get you removed permanently from twitter. Facts don't elude him. He knows they exist. To acknowledge your facts would be sacrilegious according to the by-laws of the his discounted, Life Time membership in the NRA. It would be blasphemous in respect to the 2nd Amendment and God (who by the way, had nothing at all to do with the Bill of Rights or Open Carry).

The Progun adversary (and he is your adversary, don't get it twisted, because that's how he sees anyone for Gunsense), is cunning, ruthless, and vile. He stalks Moms Demand Action women at shopping centers, while bringing his wife, children, and his semi-auto AK-47 derivative with a 30 round magazine, just in case you drop your salad fork, giving him excellent reason to spray and pray. He'll use the excuse that you were reaching for "something" that looked like a weapon, as he invokes the 'Stand Your Ground' law, out of utter ignorance. He craps on the American flag, by holding it behind him for photo ops, using it as a symbolic gesture of his self righteous indignation at your wanting a simpler, gun free zone society, that doesn't include his AR-15's and his Glock at the Hot Dog on a Stick stand.

If you don't agree with his needs to carry a gun in public, you're supposedly a flag waving Socialist or Communist, when in fact you are nothing of the sort. Whatever inflammatory tactic he can use to incite your anger, he will use. He wants you to call him names, so he can report you to twitter for abuse. He will stalk your every Gunsense tweet, hoping to bait you into an argument that will end in a permanent twitter ban, because he knows that the less Gunsense people that participate on twitter, the better his Progun and Open Carry cause will flourish.

You are his nemesis, Gunsense.

You irk him.

If he will "secretly" stalk Moms Demand Action at a luncheon in Texas, and use this as an intimidation tactic, then what makes you think he has any less design on stalking your tweets on twitter? He sees this as a war on the 2nd Amendment and usurping of the Bill of Rights and Constitution. His comparisons between his cause and the Civil Rights movement are faulty at best, but nothing a few water hoses and police dogs couldn't sort out. His movement is not peaceful, for you do not bring arms to a civil disobedience movement., while calling it a peaceful demonstration of rights. He has never read the works of Thoreau, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., ...or Gandhi.

His Bill of Rights is not your Bill of Rights.

'He' is a clone, cast from of the multitude of misguided, 2nd Amendment "gun bully" advocates, who live in constant fear and bring that fear wherever they travel.

Then again, I suspect with the people that have involved themselves in this insurrectionist open carry movement, that they are also waiting for that Concord Hymn moment.

They know only chaos and have no sense of community.

Make no mistake about it, They'll use whatever technique they can to get you, Gunsense advocates, banned from twitter.

Especially if you want to see common sense/Gunsense gun legislation enacted, and you want your voice heard.

They will not give up, and neither should you.

That doesn't mean they are not your enemy, because that's exactly what they are, and they means business.

Spread the word about what they are.

It's only fair.

                                                         American by Macklemore