Needless to say, it was an ominous, ongoing project of such obsequious requirements, for even the most prodigious of writers, that I opted to place my melted brain back in my head, to avoid slipping on the slimy goo of what was left of my intelligence. Yes, slimy goo is the best way I can explain it. Surviving in the corporate world and having insight to all the things one's nation is predisposed to can be a challenge in an of itself. There are things one just does not mention at a quarterly function if all parties are to remain civil in a public setting. And, because I had been exposed to radical "things" and "ideas", not of the average citizen.
One of them I just found online, after careful research and years of being exposed to really creepy, for-your-eyes-only shit. It's called "Operation Vampire Killer: American Police Action Plan for Stopping World Government Rule". Yes, it's sounds far fetched, and no one would ever believe that there are police men who spend their free time talking about New World Order conspiracy theories as opposed to conducting police work. I didn't know about the 1992 published treatise until I went to, because it was uploaded in 2009, and I've been a little busy since then, so writing had been placed on the sidelines..
I have to read "Operation Vampire Killer", because I'm quite sure it's much different the then word-of-mouth, planned rebellion by unnamed entities, who for whatever it is worth, shall heretofore remain unnamed. Back to my original idea I was on about. What brings me today to clarify the meaning of cliodynamics, is all that is taking place around us as we speak, is an objective dance of thesis-antithesis-synthesis. The average person is not prepared for the end of the world as we know it, and they feel fine. They are the people that are normally shocked to find out that the NSA has been reading their e-mails, text messages, and listening in on their phone calls. Once they do find out, they may not admit it is happening, but then again, they are not required to do so.
My interest in such subjects was fueled by one little statement in that 1990 U.N. report, and it was how the first page ended, addressing...
...and, I quote:
"In short, when trying to deal with our
growing range of unavoidable problems we must Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's. Just as important, the
allocation must be the product of the most objective and functional criteria possible. Survival may actually be at stake."
Who would have realized, in 1990, that they had genetically cloned Gaius, and that bastard would show up to ruin, yet, another Empire?
"Not I", said the little, now grey-haired writer, who once owned a gleaming head of black locks. More salt and pepper than grey, but you get the idea.
What we are talking about here is zonal compliance. If you can grasp the concept of zonal compliance, then you can grasp the concept of freedom reduction. If you can grasp the concept of freedom reduction, then you can grasp the concept of bringing supposed freedom out of manufactured chaos. Until such a time as chaos is manufactured, freedoms are not in question nor are they subject to platforms designed to limit them.
One of the things I remember dearly in the gun slinging days of Arms dealing was something I could never quite wrap my head around called Objective Force Warrior, until the movie Ironman came on the scene with the assistance of CGI. This is the world we live in today. Almost thirty years later and certain dreams are realities, including Ironman. Oh yeah... he can't fly yet, but he does exist. They built him when no one was paying attention. I don't talk about these things anymore. Now I just write about them. It's easier and there is a whole lot less ridicule.The best part is, writing about science fiction based on facts leaves little room for disputes. The same is true for historical fiction based on facts.
Mathematical modeling of history works in both directions, like any good equation should.
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