Saturday, February 22, 2014

There Is No High Road! How to deal with a Constitutionalist

Well, this has been a fruitful experience being involved with the Gunsense movement.

I've found that most people discussing the matter of gun violence in America are not as interested in ending it as they are in the total convolution of the situation, as it stands today. There are two very definitive sides displayed when discussing the matter, and apparently neither side can conceive of giving into any type of negotiation.

I've written on the subject, from my perspective.

I have experience on the subject and a wealth of experience on the subject.

Not that this has mattered to either side.

Let me explain what I mean.

From a Progun aspect, I'm a traitor to the "cause". The "cause" being, "The 2nd Amendment", "The Right to Keep and Bear Arms", the right to watch "the tree of Liberty" be refreshed "with the blood of patriots and tyrants". I've been stalked, threatened, and verbally attacked by Constitutionalist, Libertarians, Republicans, Conservatives, Neo-Conservatives, and yes--even sometime Gunsense people who have mistaken me for being Progun, because I've worked in the gun industry. There are differences between people. There are responsible gun owners, and there are many guns owned in America.

Guns are something that are not going to go away.

From the Gunsense aspect, I'm an ally only to a certain extent, because I do not agree with the banning of firearms of any type. I believe in regulating them. I believe in Universal Background Checks and integrating that system with Microstamping (on whatever level can be achieved by doing so). I am not a fan of RFID or Smart Guns, based on the aspect of failed electronic components, electrical surges, and battery depletion when defending one's self or family.

I don't mince words.

I'm practical.

Smart guns, in theory, may be proven to be unreliable, based on an increase in Solar Flares, Coronal Mass Ejections or Electromagnetic Pulse. Provable by any and every Astrophysicist (or Eletrical Engineer), brought into court and deposed by the Progun side,--once asked, "Has there been an increase in solar activity since...say....1993?"...with the answer being a resounding "Yes", the case for Smart Guns is lost--completely. Bringing up Smart Guns again (once they are found sound and full proof,...yeah, right) would be considered a frivolous attempt,--and ANY person previously involved in Smart Gun promotion (in its current scientific state) would be looked upon as a bringer of class action lawsuits based on faulty technology. (Because ..."Has the Sun Changed its behavior" or "Is EMP defeatable,...because so far it hasn't been defeated"?)

So, here we are.

Now we're stuck with a steady increase in gun trafficking throughout the United States. From my standpoint, a lot of gun crime can be reduced by everyone cooperating. As we all can see, that is not happening, and from where I stand, it is not going to happen. We must ask ourselves, what level is either side willing to take their fight too?

Molon Labe, TCOT, Constitutionalist say they are willing to shed their blood,-- so they say. Although I do not believe them, I do think that they think they are capable of initiating a fight with government, but haven't quite yet figured it out or accepted the fact that they are incapable of finishing that fight, while instituting a "new" set of Articles of Confederation, and creating a "new" government. Within that, because this is not a TV show, and they obviously are not aware of the NATO agreement with the United States in securing peace within this nation, the concept of to "insure domestic tranquility" may reach beyond our borders. 

It's called Continuity of Government.

I've had a lot of people tell me that the government will never attack Americans, or use American forces to quell disruptive *armed, belligerent forces on walk American soil. The Molon Labe movement is trying to sell itself as "peaceful, law-abiding" citizens"; those of the open carry persuasion who say do not endanger American society, but are simple people who just simply practice/exercise their 2nd Amendment rights, according to the Constitution. Well, the simple practice of arming yourselves,--and roaming the street in in large groups--, armed with fairly modern 'civilianized' military weaponry, in protest of American government about 2nd Amendment rights that have not been infringed on, or impinged on by 'civilized' laws that keep Americans safe,--is not really a 'practice',--but more of a statement of fact,-- that the level of insanity they are willing to take it to, makes your life miserable and unpredictable.

War is hell.

Civil War is worse.

Some think that a second Civil War could never happen, and the they really don't know how one could ever begin in the first place. All Civil Wars being with propaganda and disagreement. That type of propaganda has been floating around America, in the World of Guns for close to two decades now. Just because you haven't heard of it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It does. So, when people in America are talking about the Second Civil War in America, of nullification laws pertaining to Federal authority, do you think they just woke up one moring and decide to revolt against the United States government?

The White Ayran Resistance has posted on the internet, Civil War Two, The Coming Breakup of America, free of charge. It's a $60 book. It's not much different than The Turner Diaries. The book was written by Thomas Chitum, a devout racial separatist, former mercenary, and firm believer that people of America soon will face a Balkanization in the United States. The driving force of this racial separation, comes from what he call people in the United States becoming tribal, for the own survival.

I hope you are following this, because as irritating as it is, this is the underlying dialogue of the Progun movement, whether they admit it or not. People like Alex Jones are attached to such literary works, and promote the ideals of Thomas Chitum. In an open letter to The Free Republic, Chitum spins the yarn of why he wrote Civil War Two. His denial is evident, and can be found at the bottom of the linked thread in his open letter. What happens to be true, in this instance, is not whether or not Chitums ideas of how Civil War Two begins and ends, it's how it provoked in the first place. He helped to begin, what will be a major part of the future provocations. By the mere fact that this book has had almost twenty years to simmer in the melting pot of American culture, without out the knowledge of its existence to those in Gunsense, their seeds of dissent have already been planted, had time to grow and brought forth fruit, which mutated into mush more elusive and grotesque.

You cannot pretend to don't see the racial indifference at the heart of America, when it comes to black children being executed by use of Koch Brothers/ALEC funded "Stand Your Ground" laws all over America. No one can. Of course, you can deny it has anything to do 'race', if you so chose, but having known about Civil War Two nineteen years ago, anyone could have predicted this current racial climate in America. Even if a a black President had not been elected. It was preordained by racist propaganda hidden from the public purview, read by many a man in secret, with information passed on by word of mouth, to those who believe it will eventually come to pass. A war between the races.

I read everything, including having read this book in full, and  I enjoy learning as much as I could about this author and his allegiances and his alliances long before his denial of them.

I'm different though. I've tweeted back and forth with those, who most Gunsense people would never consider speaking with at all based on their Progun stance. I've challenged their ideals based on subjects which have not come to pass, and try to see how deeply they are entrenched in the propagandist literature that's been cycling around the Progun lobby for decades now. Books like this never hit the New York Times Best Sellers list, but that doesn't mean they don't ultimately have a very profound impact on American culture, and how that culture is viewed.

The Turner Diaries, Civil War Two, Operation Vampire Killer 2000, may be underground tomes, which many of you are not familiar with, but they laid the foundation for the Tea Party and Libertarian movements. So, there appearance is absolutely no surprise to me. Their formulation is in these books. I don't suggest anyone read them, unless you what to see the roots of what you're fight against, if you're a Gunsense member. Because once you see what you're up against, then you'll begin to understand the way they think and the things they say.

Once you begin to understand the essence of what you're up against, you may begin to change your mind about taking them on. Because their biggest weapon is not their AR-15 or AK-47. It's years of racialist propaganda, subtle and abject, direct and to the point, about how and why Manifest Destiny should be maintained at all cost. They use every stereotypical abstract they can find to futher this agenda, no matter who dies in the process.

If you've ever wondered how a Ted Nugent, or Rev. Terry Jones, or David Duke can possibly be taken seriously, then maybe you should read these text, because they make the irrational racist viewpoints seem reasonable, to an acceptable extent, where the functional illiterate is concerned. If you've ever listened to the undertones of a Alex Jones, or Sean Hannity, or Rush Limbaugh, or Glenn Beck, you can see some of the more moderate hate speech come to life, based on these same books and their intrinsic principles. If you need a much more educated viewpoint of racialist, then read the works of Zbigniew Brizinski (Out of Control: Global Turmoil On The Eve of the 21st Century) or Dinesh D'Sousa (End of Racism), or even Herrnstein and Murray (The Bell Curve), because these books also laid the ground work for the current "post-racial" society we now live in.

I have to laugh when I say, "post-racial", because we haven't even begun to address the failure of the Reconstruction Period.

When reading these books, you'll have to keep and open mind, because you'll begin to understand the reason Dunn shot Davis and Zimmerman shot Martin. You'll see why they consider themselves victims, or potential victims and dominating victors in the end, in their final analysis. But more often than not, Gunsese is taken advantage of because it wants to take a so-called "high-road", where there is no high road to take! They want to be above it all, and have no idea who or what they are dealing with. It makes you wonder why Progun thinks they are winning? It's because they know you and what you fear. They know what they are reading and they know what you refuse to read or get involved it. They know your feelings are easily hurt and that you block them, or don't even consider learning about how guns work, in hopes that if you scream loud enough, those guns will just fall of the face of the Earth, and that gun nuts will disappear along with them.

They won't.

Their cause is by design, not by accident.

Their arguments are by design, not by accident.

Their repetition is by design, not accident. 

And, you need to ask yourself, "Am I prepared for this in the long hall?".

Now, answer it with these questions.

1) Have I read any of those books that he said I should read?

2) Is it important I know what I'm spending my time invested in (Gunsense)?

3) If I read these books, will it hardened my way of thinking?

Sometimes, based on certain responses to questions on the issue of Gunsense, I feel like I'm alone in this fight, because so many people refuse to understand what they are up against. Oh, I get that you want gun violence to end, but what are you actually doing about it? So far as learning about what industry you are taking on, and how to take this fight to them with knowledge and not insecurity and fear? I don't want to be present when they shoot down the Smart Gun based on price and reliability.

Every one of those books contains the essence of something that you've heard in a Gunsense thread, at one time or another. Especially the Libertarian diatribe, continuously spewed over and over again. If you think I'm lying, then you'll understand the connection between Open Carry Texas, C.J. Grisham, and Alex Jones.

If you understand the connection between Alex Jones and Operation Vampire Killer 2012, then you'll understand the concept of overthrowing the so-called Prison Planet and Operation Vampire Killer 2000 (1992).

Or, you can remain unlearned about the people who have connected these dots for over twenty years, and why you fail to make much headway in your struggle against them because you refuse to understand their ideology.

No one ever said you had to accept it.

But, not understanding it is akin to allowing yourself to be manipulated by it in the conversations they control, by saying "Take the Higher Road".

I will say this loud and clear:


Their subversive cause, which has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment began long before Gunsense, and Gunsense can no longer pretend that it didn't.

UPDATE 2/24/2014: James Bond Gun Legislation Misfires AKA "Smart Guns"
          (this Forbes article was supplied by Debbi Morello. Thanks, Debbi! )

UPDATE 2/27/2014: NRA Members In Their Own Words
          (these NRA Facebook excerpts supplied by



Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Microstamping, Newtown and Riverview Gun Sales: What should have taken place long before Sandy Hook: Part III

The 4473.

The Firearm release form.

It is an integral part of doing business. It is also an integral part of locating a gun from Point-Of-Sale origin. It must be filled out completely on release of a firearm. All areas that are applicable for the purchaser of a firearm, must be completed in full. All waiting periods must be adhered to if applicable. No exceptions are allowed to this procedure by those FFL "dealers" that sell guns to the public.

One would think so.

Understanding the flow of illegal guns, by creating what is called a *chain of accountability*, helps Law Enforcement create a system to enforce gun laws effectively. Some Progun advocates will continue to claim that the Microstamping law punishes the "law abiding" citizen, but what they refuse to tell you, is how it exactly punishes them. What it does in fact is keeps the "law abiding" gun owner, law abiding. It enforces Private Party Transfer record keeping, which any "law abiding" citizen who sells a gun privately should do, and should want to perform.

A keeper of their records, of guns that they've bought and sold to other "law abiding" citizens, is not too much to ask.

Unless of course they are not "law abiding".

Unless the key to their buying patterns can be put under the microscope of scrutiny.

And then there was Riverview Gun Sales

I catch a lot of heat from Progun for my knowledge of their world. The world I was a big part of.
In Larry Elder's book,"The Ten Things You Can't Say In America"[1], he mentions the facility that I ran for 5 years. The book itself made the New York Times Best Seller List, and is not a bad read. I recommend it if you haven't had an opportunity to see how certain people's ideas may differ from your own set of values.

It irks them to no end that I have lived in this world, so disputing me, or the things I say, is imperative. Microstamping is science. Undisputed science that they cannot reject, yet they do, on the grounds that they've been able to keep important research on the subject silenced for years by an explosion of limited counter peer review by google bombing the internet.

You'll have to dig deep in the internet to find the research papers I've provided in "Microstamping, Newtown and Riverview Gun Sales: What should have taken place long before Sandy Hook: Part II" and "Microstamping, Newtown and Riverview Gun Sales: What should have taken place long before Sandy Hook: Part I"

Here are some of the objections, criticisms, and rebuttals by detractors:[2]

A) Law Enforcement doesn't support Microstamping.
B) Micrcostamping can easily be defeated by criminals with household tools (file, emery cloth)
C) Criminals will seed the crime scene with expended cartridges from firing ranges
D) Microstamping will lead to astronomical cost in each gun, up to $200 per pistol
E) Microstamped Cartridges cannot be recycled/reloaded based on Microstamp technology permanance
F) Microstamping patenting will lead to a government monopoly on ammunition and guns
G) Microstamping doesn't work because criminals don't purchase guns legally
H) Microstamping marks will be altered by gun residue from dirty weapons fired
I ) Microstamping has not been tested in the real world, therefore it cannot be accurate.

Wow, the last one is the most insane thing I've ever heard as an excuse for not rolling out technology that has been in trials since the 1990's.

And then there was Riverview Gun Sales.

Nancy Lanza bought her guns at Riverview Gun Sales.

People will tell you that because she passed a background investigation that buying guns legally, and then she was irresponsible in the storage of those guns. They will also state that Adam Lanza hand mental problems beyond help and this was the reason he committed a heinous act.

They never talk about the responsibility of Riverview Gun Sales, it's owner David LaGuercia, and sales person Krystopher Dibella when it came to how gun sales were treated in the East Windsor store. I call it a store and not a 'facility', because it had severe issues when dealing in the world of firearms. From known thefts, to bad paperwork reaching back to 2007, yet it was in operation in when it sold guns to Nancy Lanza and should have had it license pulled before she purchased them.

The 4473 for the Bushmaster XM-15 sold to Nancy Lanza had problems.[3]

a) Stock number on the Bushmaster AR-15 derivative was 13810
b) It looks as though it was pre-filled out on the day of purchase according to the paperwork
c) Release date has discrepancies and line through (this is a major no-no)

There also seems to be some discrepancy in the physical description of Nancy Lazna, which should be consistent based on the dates filled out by Krystopher Dibella and Eris Reis, based on the fact that is comes directly from a individual's legal form of identification. This falls under the section called "Know Your Customer". By looking at the two separate 4473's and store Application's to Purchase Firearm records info (Bushmaster vs. Sig Sauer), we are not certain of Nancy Lanza's eye or hair color. It makes one wonder if the government (State) issued ID was ever looked at.

There are rules you follow when you make a mistake on a 4473.[4]

There are rules to filling one out that make errors and omissions unacceptable.[5]

And then there was Riverview Gun Sales. 

Then there is the case of Jordan Marsh, and Riverview Gun Sales.

Over a period of a year, Jordan Marsh stole at least one AR-15's from Riverview Gun Sales, by just walking in, supposedly and walking out with them. He stole eleven guns total, according to the authorities. Again, Riverview Gun Sales had inventory and paperwork problems that reached back to 2007.[6] Security issues and paperwork problems at the Riverview Gun Store were a considered "willful violations" by the BATF, which totaled in the area of 500 record keeping and sales violations.[7]

How many guns walked out of the door at Riverview Gun Store is unknown for certain.[8]

And here, I argue daily with Progun trolls over whether or not Microstamping is a necessary tool in tracking weapons from their Point-Of-Origin sale. When a dealer cannot keep track of the weapons received and sold (acquisition and disposition),--when their security systems does not work, or dealers fail to report stolen weapons to the BATF and local authorities, systems like Microstamping plays a vital and necessary role in shining the light on internal and external problems within the gun industry trade.

Then there was the Senior Employee at Riverview Gun Sales, Krystopher Dibella.

With numerous violations, his errors consistently revolved around the 4473.[9]

If it isn't apparent to Gunsense people by now, why they should focus on legislation that promotes gun safety and regulation, by promoting Microstamping as a back up to shoddy, unreliable, paperwork, then the point of order is turned over and placed in the hand of so-called "law abiding" citizen,-- who by their own admission, break the rules when no one is looking.

In all "fairness", there are those who have been corrupted by a system which is not sustainable by those who claim to operate as legitimate gun dealers, yet cannot be trusted with the keys to "insure domestic Tranquility" within American society in any form or fashion. They have proven over and over, time and time again, that they represent a clear and present danger to both Liberty and Freedom in America, as well as personal safety.

No one ever asked Krystoper Dibella what is was like to sell Nancy Lanza the weapon that slew the children and adults of Sandy Hook Elementary School. Dibella was sentenced to three years probation and a $250 fine for repeated violations of Federal Gun Laws, and from there went into deep silence. There are two things that we do know for certain about Krystopher Dibella though.

1) His viewpoints on the requirements of filling out a 4473 with accuracy and due diliegence
2) His viewpoint on Microstamping and his opposition to it's implementation of it as a law.

Yes, Krystopher Dibella spoke about "firearms", "due diligence", ...and "the utmost care", yet he never practiced it. He was an admitted "Certified NRA"--"Instructor". He says he was responsible for teaching people safety.

Dibella's "discovery" of *S.B. 353, the Connecticut legislation, AN ACT CONCERNING THE MICROSTAMPING OF SEMIAUTOMATIC PISTOLS. To facilitate the linking of used cartridge cases to the firearm that fired them by requiring the microstamping of semiautomatic pistols*, made him supposedly ponder the negative implications of such a law. He felt it would effect "legal" firearm owners and the Connecticut economy. He played it up big. More than likely, he talked about it at work and with people he gave pistol instruction to.

S.B 353 was something that angered him and he showed disdain for.

On many occasions, while managing the "largest firearms" dealership in the West, I had to let go, or fire employees for showing their disdain for firearm laws. It was difficult, because their lack of understanding that it was a business first, and a love second, limited their reality to what they thought was right, and what the laws actually impose. There are reality checks in every line of business if you want to stay in business.

Dibella made sure when he talked about striking down S.B. 353, that he played up how much it would hurt an already struggling "U.S. economy". After all, it was 2009, and the average citizen in America could not bear more economic hardship. He was 21 and full of tenacity. He would drone on about the "core problem related to gun violence". Although, like most Progun people, he never mentioned what the core problem actually was, or what it was caused by. His conversation would fluctuate between the devastation of Connecticut's economy and how passing such legislation would be devastating to the community that he lived in as it stood.

Little was he aware of what real devastation could be brought to the community where he lived if S.B. 353 wasn't passed.

Dibella thought Microstamping was a "bad idea". He knew the bill would assist Law Enforcement in "apprehending perpetrators" that commit serous crimes, but that was of no concern to him. Converserly, he felt S.B 353 was nothing more than a "nuisance law" that over burdens Law Enforcement. He spoke like all the rest of Progun advocates on the issue on the 'why we shouldn't', instead of on the 'why we should' introduce Microstamping as a valid asset to solving gun crimes in America. He wanted Law Enforcement to focus their energies on illegal firearm smugglers, traders, and consumers AKA "straw purchasers".

He never thought of his inconsistent paperwork when it came to gun sales as being "illegal".

His dialogue about S.B. 353 focused more or less (more, actually) on the "economy", and showed a tact much like FOX network repeating the economy, like repeating the word terrorism over and over again, until it drones in your ears and numbs your brain. He was 21. What did he really know about the economy or economic cycles? Yet, he was a consummate salesman. A closer, who self admittedly knew his target market, and the fears they faced, which most-- if not all, were nothing more than an illusion fostered by an over active imaginations, fueled by his manipulation and the power it brought him.

He was 21, and his letter to the Judiciary Committee for the State of Connecticut, spoke his words before the Connecticut General Assembly on the issue of S.B. 353 and Microstamping. He was heavily influenced by his peers.[10] Click on his name and read his comments for yourself.

And, no doubt, people will ask me, "How would the implementation of S.B. 353 have stopped this crime, the Massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School from taking place?".

Something tells me it would have.

Something says, that based on the eventual closure of Riverview Gun Sales, for excessive record keeping violations that took place between 2007 and that fateful day in 2012,--that had S.B. 353 been enacted,--the incident at Sandy Hook might never have happened. Guns that were stolen, could have traced, if they had been used in commission of a crime, based on Microstamping technology. A pattern of negligence would have appeared that could not have been ignored, leading right back to the Dealer Record of Sale or Receipt. Acquisition and Disposition could never be questioned. The incident at Hartford Distributors Inc. may have not happened at all. Numerous violations acquired by Riverview Gun Sales happened before the fact of both of these incidents, and its subsequent closure for the same outrageous number of gun record violations were after the fact and loss of lives.

Many of these violations were in fact instigated by Krystopher Lawrence Dibella. A Senior Employee of Riverview Gun Sales, who had little or no respect for the documentation required to release a firearm into the public domain. It seems that Dibella, in general, had little or no respect for most laws pertaining anything that had to do with guns or selling ammunition to known felons, against his better judgement. He was a Certified NRA Pistol Instructor. He was, after all, a salesman first, a Progun advocate second, and last but not least of all, a concerned citizen of the Connecticut community. He jeopardized the lives of those who lived in Connecticut, and also the business that he worked in. The owner of Rivereview Gun Sales, David LaGuercia, should have paid better attention to how he ran his business and trained his employees.

The Facebook Page for Riverview Gun Sales is still active[11], even though Moms Demand Action stated emphatically, ... that Facebook policy is "lax"[12]

And Moms Demands is correct. "Lax" is putting it mildly, because not only is Riverview Gun Sales page active, it still has advertising for Oct. 26, 2012 sale, showing a Smith & Wesson M&P Sport for $599. So, I'm saddened beyond belief, but I will not stop until things like this are noticed and dealt with. If Facebook thinks that Guns For Sale is not advertising guns for sale, then they probably think that leaving up Riverview Gun Sales Facebook page is politically correct, even though it is in direct conflict with the spokesperson's statement pertaining to, "nor can you promote the sale or use of weapons in advertising".

Some of us can read, and we know what adverting is, and what gun sales looks like--Facebook!

And to leave this page active, is tragic for many reasons that I don't even need to go into. 

I need a moment, because--if you are seeing what I've seen through this three part journey,-- about Microstamping and its advantages, it must be as hard for you as it is for me. When you see the problem right before you, and you get up everyday to fight the indecency that permeates your very soul, it can be draining.

How could this Facebook page still be up? 

You begin to wonder if anyone is listening at all.

And then,-- you get up the next day, and do it all over again, because it needs to be done.

Do yourself a favor.

Read Part I, Part II and Part III again, and every research paper, article, and link supplied.

Have a full understanding of Microstamping and Microstamping Law.

Send people you know to my blog to read about it.

Discuss it among people who want to see lower gun crime and less gun deaths.

Let them make their own informed decision on the subject matter and how it will reduce crime.

Drive-by shootings don't leave crime guns at the scene.

Think about it.

TRACE THE GUN: Semantic Community, MAIG information

[1] Ten Things You Can't Say In America, by Larry Elder, revised edition, pg 295, 2000, St. Martins Press.
[2] Microstamping Technology: Precise and Proven, Coalition To Stop Gun Violence & Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence
[3] 4473-Nancy Lanza Gun Purchase Records.pdf
[4] Shot Business, Help With The 4473, Volume 22, Number 1, 2014
[5] ATF Form-4473 Who Handles Your Paper Work, ATF Feature Story, 2010
[6] ATF Raid Gun Store After Owner Doesn't Notice Man Stealing AR-15, Crooks and Liars, 12-21-2012
[7] ATF: Store That Sold Guns To Newtown Mom Had Violations, USA Today, 4-11-2013
[8] Police: South Windsor Man Stole Weapons Because He Was Being Teased At Work, South Windsor Patch, 12-2-2012
[9] Employee Of East Windsor Gun Store Sentenced: The United States Attorney's Office, District of Connecticut, 9-30-2013
[10] An Act Concerning Microstamping Semiautomatic Pistols, S.B. 353, Judiciary Committee Letters
[11] Facebook page for Riverview Gun Sales.
[12] "Mom's give Facebook's gun policy a 'thumbs down": MSNBC, Michele Richinick, original 2-8-2014 updated 2-10-2014   

Monday, February 10, 2014

Microstamping, Newtown and Riverview Gun Sales: What should have taken place long before Sandy Hook: Part II

I hope that you enjoyed Part I of the series "Microstamping, Newtown and Riverview Gun Sales: What should have taken place long before Sandy Hook"

We've had an opportunity to cover the details of this not-so-new Microstamping technology and how it places Gunsense advocates on the right side of their desires. Microstamping has nothing to do with Progun propaganda accusations of gun grabbing. If you haven't read it, and you are an advocate of Gunsense, I encourage you to do so.

Microstamping, Newtown and Riverview Gun Sales: What should have taken place long before Sandy Hook: Part I

1) It encourages responsible gun ownership
2) It reduces the likelihood of straw purchases taking place, based on point-of-origin sales information.
3) It is not readily defeatable with common household items, such as a "file" or "emery cloth"
4) Using an electron microscope (SEM Microscopy), which is used in Cycle-Of-Fire Ballistics analysis, micro-serial number legibility is decipherable to 96.8%
5) Micro-serializing is not a NEW technology. Smith&Wesson have been applying it to their guns for years, so complaining about the undue expense is a red herring.
6) Built in Microstamping redundancies insure tampering with guns manufactured with Microstamping cannot be circumvented; leading to (a) more closed gun crime cases, and (b)  reduction in the most common types of gun trafficking, dealer to "straw purchaser" to felon.
7) Gun Show Loopholes, where private party transactions are legal, can escape point-of-origin sales. With the advent of Microstamping, as a manufacturing process and implemented Safety Law, this is no longer true.

Moving right along,--last night I thought I'd turn in early.

Research is a large part of my writing and can be tedious and time consuming, but well worth it. I read a lot. I thought I'd step away from the subject of Newtown and rest my weary mind about this subject for a moment by catching up on some older Time Magazine issues before turning in. November 11th, 2013 had a great cover story called "The Secret Web" AKA THE DEEP WEB, all about Silk Road and Ross Ulbricht, bitcoins, dark markets, back room dealings...and wouldn't you know it?

LightBox-"From the Rubble"

A photograph from Jessica Hill of the Associated Press.

I don't need to discuss the caption. I don't need to repeat what was said, because we've seen the media take hold of this incident and do what they please with it. What I want to do, is just look at this photo.

I want to look at this image and realize what happened. I want to look at it and know that even though the buildings have been razed and will be eventually replaced, that this event in no way removes what happened that fateful day, and what needs to be done now. Taking away the buildings does not take away the act--that did not have to happen, for any number of reasons. Reasons that are not discussed, because each and every day we are talking about a new school shooting. Because we've let ourselves become emotional with reasons that have removed our effective protest in favor of much needed change in gun laws.

Why is destruction Sandy Hook so important?

For the same reason we had to raze these buildings.

To remove the impact of what took place here.

To forget.

For if we had to raze the buildings everywhere a mass shooting took place in America, then the blank spots of real estate in America would become apparent to anyone who passed by them.

Death of children, young people and adults, by gunfire,--wouldn't become so benign.

We need to do what is possible so more gun violence will cease, and that which IS possible is a process.

So, we take this event, and deconstruct what took place.

We don't flinch, for those of us who can stand to look at what actually happened.

We learn from this incident all that happened and use it so it never happens again.  

We take what works, like Microstamping and implement it in ALL states.

The American Bar Association approved of it on a national level in 2010, so why shouldn't we all do the same as well?

One thing that Gunsense people need to realize is that ALL gun crime investigations begin at Point-Of-Sale origin. That means, manufacturer/to distributor-dealer /to consumer. There is no time lost on investigations with the invention of Microstamping. Time is a critical factor. No digging through hundreds, thousands, millions of 4473's to find the original buyer of a gun. Why, Microstamping can even trace people who are illegally reselling weapons for profit, based on patterns of buying and reselling.

The average profit on a illegally trafficked, straw purchased handgun is $500.

That's right, $500![1]

In some cases, much much more. Steven Greenoe is a perfect example of someone who was caught based on buying patterns. 

So anyone can see why Progun wants to shut down the conversation about Microstamping. So many young men out there are making a financial killing in a market place, where Private Party transactions are "legal", but seldom monitored for compliance. Now we have Facebook Guns for Sale[2], which increases the probability of guns ending up in the wrong hands, based on illegal transfers taking place. Almost 200,000 "likes" is assuring us a illegal transfer waiting to happen.

Even Craigslist won't take that risk.

Still within the legal gun selling industry,--certain illegalities take place.

Microstamping can help smooth out these problems.

That's what this series is about.

Is it even remotely possible that Microstamping could have prevented Sandy Hook?

After my research on the subject, it is my firm belief that it could have not only prevented Sandy Hook, but had Microstamping been implemented prior to the incident, it might have created a totally different turn of events. The legislation was in place in Connecticut to implement Microstamping.

S.B. 353 Session Year 2009, AN ACT CONCERNING THE MICROSTAMPING OF SEMIAUTOMATIC PISTOLS. To facilitate the linking of used cartridge cases to the firearm that fired them by requiring the microstamping of semiautomatic pistols.[3]

I do realize that a Bushmaster AR-15 was also used in the crime in question, but the story of Sandy Hook is karmically tied to S.B. 353. Maybe if people paid more attention to upcoming legislation that benefits them in general, then maybe--just maybe, tragedies like Sandy Hook could be thwarted before they even have a chance to take place. We can easily lose focus IF we don't take advantage of what is laid before us as a tool to receive what we need in our lifetime.

There is no doubt that Adam Lanza was a troubled child, with a troubled history in life, along with his mother Nancy. These problems presented themselves early on, in his childhood development and as little as they are discussed, the reasons for the Sandy Hook tragedy are many. None of them outweigh another. Now, what do we do with this information, and how do we respond to these mistakes previously made by all, while still showing our courage of conviction, where things that may present future problems can no longer be ignored?

We just do.
We don't whine about it.
We don't ignore them.
We don't shy away from it.
We dig in deep.

I don't,-- and never have considered, "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun", as a viable or even reasonable answer to these problems. I don't consider Open Carry as a reasonable or viable option in when it comes to these problems. So what do I consider viable options and answers to gun violence in America? When we consider the course that history presents a viable technology that helps reduce illegal, criminal behavior, then that technology should be placed at the forefront of the gun safety discussion.

The NRA says: "Trained people" who own guns will prevent and reduce crime,...

I disagree.

Training did not prevent the death of Nancy Lanza.

26 other lives were not protected by Nancy Lanza's NRA pistol training.

She actually made first contact with the perpetrator of the crime in question.

The criminal was her son, who she raised in an environment of guns and violence.

An environment where a Colt .380 Pocket Lite is used as a teething tool for her child. An environment where 30 rd AK-47 magazines are fully loaded, in the open, sitting in an unsecured rifle and handgun rack--long before she placed a unsecured gun cabinet in Adam's room.

An environment, where her lackadaisical attitude about guns and gun safety permeated their entire "environment". She played the same game a lot of parents play with their children's lives, when it comes to securing dangerous weapons. She hoped for the best and really never considered the worse that could happen, or the consequences of her inaction.

Aspergers is not a mental illness.

Access to firearms and ammunition, and an obsession with mass murder was Adam Lanza's problem.

Adam suffered from extreme OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). 

It was something that his mother obviously ignored and the consequences of her actions showed that.

Those comments were not a segue.

She trained her child to kill. He grew into a killer. No matter how you slice it. That was the environment he was raised in by her, and his behavior was hard to monitor based on her lackadaisical attitude towards guns and violence in general. Somewhere along the way, she lost her skills to nurture, and seems she never learned those basic survival skills she so badly sought.

Like how to assess a threat. 

After reading the Final report on the Shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School[4], juxtaposed against the The National School Shield: The Report of the National School Shield Task Force[5], I was left confused, as to why future considerations of Microstamping were never mentioned in either report, as a feasible preventative measure to curtail gun violence. In some ways, the shutdown of valid gun studies by the NRA, made the Sandy Hook incident possible.[6][7]

No PAC or Super PAC, passing themselves off as as a "educational" organization, geared to "Protect and Defend the Constitution" in its mission statement, has the right to usurp laws which are based in key foundational principles, found in the Preamble of the Constitution. That Preamble which guarantees the people of this nation that it will "insure domestic Tranquility". Let me repeat that. Insure domestic tranquility. It does not mention by what means it will do so, and comes far before the mention of the 2nd Amendment, which continues to be misinterpreted by the Moron Labe persuasion of America.

In the research paper, Gun Control After Heller: Threats and Sideshows From A Social Welfare Perspective[8], there is mention of exactly what you'll witness everyday as you participate on the #Gunsense thread on twitter,-- as you try to take a chance, making your best efforts to communicate with others about making changes in society for the betterment of mankind. Misinterpretations of a 2008 Supreme Court Judicial decision has caused prominent problems within current American society. The onslaught of Open Carry participants and their demands to display firearms on a daily basis, in every walk of life, has grown beyond reason. The negative social implications,-- of allowing America to become a martial society,-- then eventually becoming a militaristic society, are staggering, and day by day are becoming highly probable.   

1) Your safety from gun violence grows weaker everyday, and your life is being put at risk, based on your lack of access to pertinent information about gun violence in America. This lack of information is caused by those groups who threaten your safety through frivolous and vexatious litigation, misinformation campaigns, and political corruptness.

2) Innovation in technology, where guns and gun violence are concerned, is stifled by a constant re-quoting of the 2nd Amendment, falsely representing it as a 'purist doctrine', sacred beyond the need for science or regulations,-- by a growing Constitutionalist movement that is veering this nation out of control and into dangerous territory.

3) Massive amounts of Tort Litigation, backing up the courts and boggling the mind with nonsense that has little to do with Constitutional rights or Gun Trace technology, and is the main directive of ALEC's agenda to disrupt society, throwing it into chaos. Stand Your Ground laws create chaos, and along with chaos there is money to be made by these Progun groups. Massive amount of money that do nothing to institute gun safety of regulation. ALEC, in a nutshell believes in deregulation, including gun regulation. 

There is literally a ton on information out there about how gun violence can be reduced, significantly, without the need to ban firearms. Yet, by Progun blocking this pertinent information, under the guise of protecting the 2nd Amendment, these self-preservationist who tout that "any type of gun registration-leads-to-genocide-by-FEMA-death-camps" diatribe,--while actual industrial technology has made it possible to trace weapons to their source of manufacturing and distribution without a GUN! An ejected shell is all that is required.

How about that?

A win-win for everyone, and Progun continues to cry about technology that keeps them out of the line of fire when it comes to confiscation,--if they play by the rules,--have nothing to hide,--and don't do anything illegal in the transferring of firearms. For so-called "law abiding" citizens, this should be no problem at all or conflict of interest. Correct? Wrong (in Progun's viewpoint)! So, how deep seated is NRA paranoia (which I hear is the best, low-priced, paranoia on the market), that has kept the United States from progressing forward. From a standpoint that includes both safety and technology, their reasoning is beyond me.

Let me tell you why.

Exporting items that reduce crime internationally.

Because guns are not going to go away anytime soon, that does not mean that they are reduced to technological retardation based on Progun's need to believe in the fallacy that the "gun grabber" exists. In this market place, and in society-at-large, where Progun is creating irresponsible and fearful consumers,--it is in this highly technological, advanced, GLOBAL society,-- that someone will exploit this technology which already exists. 

If America and Americans do not get on board with Microstamping technology, another technologically advanced nation will get on board, and we as a nation will eventually be subjected to another nation's advancements and inventions (once again) of our own core creation. No free market American will ever have a right to complain about outsourcing, but their audacity won't stop them from doing so when this technology finds itself outsourced to different nations beyond American borders.

Let me explain this another way. When the NRA and its cronies decided that Dr. Arthur L. Kellermann was a "anti-gun Nazi", would they apply that same logic today, seeing that he was named the Dean of U.S. Military Medical School?[9]  

The same Dr. Arthur L. Kellermann whose CDC research was the flashpoint for the 1993 gun control debate, that was used to defund gun studies via the CDC until recently?[10] Would they like him to keep his precious and invaluable gun shot trauma studies secrets, so our troops are at further risk while defending our nation? Come on NRA! Make up you mind! Defend the nation and support the troops, and retract your false allegations about Dr. Kellermann, just because his research makes you feel uncomfortable.

Read the American Medical Association paper, "Silencing The Science On Gun Research"[11]

Again, there are so many research studies on gun violence that have been shutdown by the NRA's political savvy, while they produce rebuttal research papers, that don't amount to much, being pushed forward by bought and paid for Congress members, that do nothing to reduce gun violence, gun deaths or gun injuries. When findings are rushed, the studies leave our questions unanswered. Bear in mind, this is a difficult piece for me to write, because I am ultimately and emphatically judging the final conclusions on the Sandy Hook report and the School Shield report, because the solutions they offered never included extremely pertinent information cited after their reports were made public. Knowing about this information as we do now, at this time, can change the course of how we approach possible future tragic conflicts, which could have been prevented, if certain decision makers can readily access said information.

The correlation between S.B. 353 Session Year 2009 and Riverview Gun Sales are left completely out of the findings of the Sandy Hook report and The National School Shield report.

One has to ask themselves "why"? 

This continued argument over biased and unbiased information has got to cease. Kleck and Lott, who have been placed at the forefront of Progun's DGU argument are not the be all-end all of gun violence research in America. It is time for Gunsense to put away its emotional attachment to the gun violence dialogue and protest that lacks the necessary knowledge to defeat the NRA and GOA members, and make them responsible gun owners by holding them accountable for laxed gun laws in America, and their repeated propaganda campaign, that keeps this nation from moving forward and living in fear. Stop letting the NRA make the 'gun ownership' argument about 'self-defense' only, which lacks the responsibility and regulation of ownership.

You are being beaten down by ignorant little men, with ignorant ideas about what should engage forward thinking. Trying to make you feel guilty about forward thinking, by haranguing you about your lack of "patriotism" or "honor". Your intrinsic duty and objective due to the nation of America is heavily vested in insuring "domestic Tranquility". That "domestic Tranquility" is not borne out of currently arming every man, woman and child in America to appease the senses of those who lay guilt trips on you about the founding of America and how it was accomplished by way of gun. We are not at war, domestically. We do not need to employ soldiers in our schools or universities. 

We are obliged to domestic Tranquility,-- before anything else,-- above all else.

The public at large should not be carrying loaded rifles or shotguns on city streets, in malls, in parks, or in restaurants. We do not need to argue the misinterpreted points of it being Constitutionally "allowed". We just need to refuse to patronize places that allow loaded firearms in their businesses. We do not need to argue the point of why Law Enforcement is allowed to carry a gun and the average citizen is not. We do not need to argue someone's expertise on the subject of guns against your personal expertise with guns. It is irrelevant. 

We do not need to engage those people, who for whatever matter, really have no concept of what it means "to insure domestic Tranquility", who thinks such things occurs at the end of a loaded gun.

Misguided emotion leads to bad policies which ignore the truth (like Stand Your Ground Laws). Policies which have little to do with any restrictions on Liberty or the so-called usurping of the 2nd Amendment are really not up for discussion. The argument of which side is more knowledgeable will cease, when you are no longer bullied by your lack of information on the subject of Microstamping. Knowing about Microstamping will allow you to formally protest lackluster laws. The misgivings we all encounter about gun violence research no longer has to continue without choosing forward progress designed to decrease gun violence. 

The question now is,....

......why are we afraid of the truth IF it will prevent future misgivings?

References, Articles, and Research Papers:
[1] Havocscope, Global Black Market Information, Arms Trafficking Black Market

[2] Facebook, Guns For Sale page

[3] State of Connecticut; General Assembly, Senate Bill 353, Co-Sponsored: Sen. Martin Looney & Rep. Andres Ayala 2009

[4] Report of the State's Attorneyfor the Judicial District of Danbury on the Shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School and 36 Yogananda Street, Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012

[5] The National School Shield: The Report of the National School Shield Task Force 2013

[6] MSNBC-"Blackout: How the NRA suppressed Gun Violence Research", original 1-14-2013 updated 10-2-2013, Zachary Roth

[7] ABC-"CDC Ban On Gun Research Caused Lasting Damage", 4-9-2013, Sdyney Lupkin via 20/20

[8] "Gun Control After Heller: Threats and Sideshows From A Social Welfare Perspective", The Law School, The University of Chicago, (Cook, Ludwig, Samaha) 2009

[9] Newswise-"Arthur Kellermann Named Is Dean Of U.S. Military Medical School, 7-22-2013, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU), Bethesda, MD.

[10] Salon-"The NRA's War On Gun Science", 7-25-2012, Alex Seitz-Wald

[11] "Silencing the Science On Gun Research", Online First, Viewpoint, JAMA 2-13-2013, Vol. 309, No. 6, (Kellermann and Rivara)

Gun Violence Papers and Research Papers:

A) American Bar Association House of Delegates, Aug 9-10, 2010 Microstamping

B)  Firearm Laws and the Reduction of Violence, 2005 (Hahn, Bilukha, Crosby, Fullilove, Liberman, Moscicki, Synder, Tuma, Briss, American Medical Journal of Preventative Medicine

C) How Delinquent Youths Acquire Guns: Initial Versus Most Recent Gun Acquisition, 2002 (Webster, Freed, Frattaroli, Wilson), Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine: The New York Academy of Medicine.

D) America Under The Gun; A 50 State Analysis of Gun Violence and Its Link To Weak State Gun Laws, 2013 (Gerney, Parsons, Posner), Center For American Progress.

E) Behavior-Oriented Approaches to Reducing Youth Gun Violence, 2002 (Hardy), Future of Children, U.S. National Library of Medicine

F) Firearm Storage Patterns In U.S. Homes With Children, 2000 (Schuster, Franke, Bastian, Sor, Halfon), American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 90 No. 4

G) Safe Firearm Storage Practices: What's The Evidence That They Can Prevent Adolescent Suicide, 2006, (Johnson, Vriniotis, Hemenway), Harvard Injury Control Research Center, Harvard University

H) The Storage Of Household Firearms: An Examination of the Attitudes and Beliefs of Married Women With Children, 2007 (Johnson, Runyan, Coyne-Beasley, Lewis, Bowling), Health Education Research, Oxford University Press

I) Product-Oriented Approaches to Reducing Youth Gun Violence, 2008 (Teret, Culross) Future of Children, U.S. National Library of Medicine

Monday, February 3, 2014

Microstamping, Newtown and Riverview Gun Sales: What should have taken place long before Sandy Hook: Part I

I've been doing a lot of research into the subject of Microstamping technology for some time now, and I like to share (not only my own opinion) the things that have come to light in recent months. So, where do we begin?

I used to work in the gun business. It's a business. Nothing more, nothing less. It is not something I'm proud of, nor am I ashamed of the person I've become from being involved in it many years ago. I've received, and continue to receive a LOT of abuse for even saying I was in the gun business-- from the Progun side of the aisle in most cases, because I've pledged myself to using my knowledge from working in that industry to help those of the Gunsense movement become even more knowledgeable about the industry they are at odds with, when it comes to guns and gun laws.

That, in and of itself, makes me a traitor to the 2nd Amendment, a "gungrabber", and unpatriotic--in the mind of Tea Party members, Libertarians, the GOA, the NRA, the GOP, and Republicans in general.

This battle for reasonable gun laws is a struggle for what is right, what is timely, and technology.

I tend to think of myself as 'amused' by these verbal attacks I've received for choosing Gunsense. You can quote me. I'm amused by Progun. I refuse to sit quietly by, and have been known to share a few choice verbal exchanges on Twitter, which I hope keeps you entertained. It makes me happy to know that my following has grown through these trials and tribulations. Yet, it doesn't change the reality of my life, my former occupation, where I live, the threats I've received from Progun, the fear I don't feel when it comes to such things as those threats grow from the Molon Labe crowd.

One of the many, and I'm sure not the last

I refer to them as the Moron Labe crowd, because by picking the Battle of Thermoplyae, and the story of The 300,-- it was probably not the most intelligent choice of battle cries when you get right down to it.

Life is NOT a Gerard Butler movie, as brilliant as they are--but I digress. 

"Nuts" would have been better suited for a whole slew of reasons.

It's January now, and the year is 2014. Smith & Wesson and Ruger have formally announced their withdrawal from the California semi-automatic pistol market, based on the new California Law, covering "Handgun Safety, Functionality, and Testing Requirements", including Microstamping.

The law itself, is not new and was signed back in 2007, by then Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. 

Under Penal Code § 12125 "No handgun may be manufactured or sold to the public in California unless it is of a make and model that has passed required safety and functionality tests and is approved for publication in the Department of Justice’s official list of handguns certified as safe for sale in California. Any person who manufactures, imports into the state for sale, sells, gives, or lends an unsafe handgun is guilty of a misdemeanor"[1], --which suit me just fine!

It's not fine with Smith & Wesson and Ruger, to the tune of a formal *Declaration* filed by Michael Fifer of Ruger, in his attempt to claim that Microstamping (love it!), places an "undue economic burden for the manufacturer"[2], when in fact, it would place absolutely NO economic burden on either Ruger or Smith & Wesson. Claiming that there is "no workable microstamping technology today, and Ruger believes that California's microstamping regulations make compliance impossible."[3] within the Declaration doesn't make it so, yet this is a Progun tactic used over and over and over again. 

Whine about it,-- if you don't get your way!


Guns are a business. You can't cry in business. You can't claim something doesn't work because you don't want to do it! Which is what both Ruger and Smith & Wesson mean to do. So far, they are the only two manufacturers that have balked at this not-so-new-but-now-enforceable California law that applies to ALL manufacturers[4] of semi-auto pistols, made after May17, 2013.

Can you dig it? 

I knew that you could!

The Progun industry has had seven years to dispute Microstamping technology, based on its research and patenting. They continue making propaganda claims of maybes-ifs-and we're certain that offer zero proof of debunking Microstamping technology, which in fact increases Cycle-of-Fire verification to 96.8%, with immediate point-of-origin accuracy that is unparallelled in ballistic technology. This is science, not conjecture. But in today's world, there are many people who want to thrust America back into an age full of Tricorns and rebellion against Microstamping technology, which does not impinge their on their Freedom nor violates in any form or fashion--their 2nd Amendment Rights!

Not one iota! 

Yet, they scream "Tyranny!".

The America Bar Association has reviewed Micorstamping technology from a legal standpoint and has approved of it fully,-- as it enhances the legal means of identifying point-of-origin of a gun, thereby lowering gun crime on a whole. This eliminates contacting the manufacturer, to find out what FFL dealer received the crime gun as a wholesale acquisition, and where it was transferred as a wholesale or retail disposition. They can go right to the FFL dealer, which when it comes to solving a gun crime, where every second counts--instead of looking through a pile of 4473's to find that exact 4473 you are looking for, which can be quite time consuming in a nation that has 310 million firearms. 

It's time to make things easier for Law Enforcement, and reduce the tide of straw purchases and illegal gun transfers and trafficking by the common citizen, who utilizes Private Party transactions as a tool to deal in guns, without taking responsibility for who's hand those guns may actually end up in. The profit margin from Private Party transactions, *without responsibility* is what makes Private Party transactions so lucratively attractive to Progun.

The America Bar Association urges "Federal, State and Territorial Goverments to enact laws"[5] that require use of Microstamping, on all newly manufactured semi-auto pistols. Why would they do this?

Because it is the responsible thing to do.

Because it is prudent for America. 

Because it works!

Because it increases Cycle of Fire Technology indicators & gun crime accuracy![6][7][8]

So, it's time. It's time to look into the benefits of Microstamping. It is cost effective. No matter what Progun, Ruger, or Smith & Wesson claims about excessive cost burden on the manufacturer, it pays for itself in a very short time. What doesn't pay for itself is Smith & Wesson stating emphatically that they will not sell semi-automatic pistols in California to consumers or Law Enforcement. That is not much of a threat, based on the fact that Law Enforcement will buy equipment elsewhere. They have no compulsion for allegiance when it comes to arming their officers. 

Law Enforcement will upgrade, with or without Smith &Wesson.

How does all this fit into Newtown and Sandy Hook? 

Based on my research, it does. 

That comes with the next installment of "Microstamping, Newtown and Riverview Gun Sales: What should have taken place long before Sandy Hook: Part II".

Right now, it's time for those of Gunsense to wrap their heads around Microstamping technology and let it settle in your craw. 

Microstamping technology's time has come. It's time for Gunsense to understand how it works and how they can best use the recent adoption of Microstamping manufacturing requirements of semi-auto pistols in California law to it's advantage, and get the word out. 

No matter how much Progun distorts the truth about Microstamping, it works and it is here to stay.

As an aside, the Microstamping research information and reference supplied aren't for me. 

They're for people who need to read it. They'll call you a liar once you know how it works. Then the real challenge of your Gunsense knowledge begins. They'll challenge whatever informational source you provide. They'll dispute it with nonsense and try and to convolute the information you know to be facts,--while disputing it with Progun nonsense, heaped in denial. 

They'll fear you as much as they fear the California Handgun Safety, Functionality, and Testing Requirements.

Just remember one thing about who you are when that takes place.
Ruger and Smith & Wesson didn't really dispute the Microstamping technology with proof.

They can't.

They just lip-synced the NRA and NSSF, which advocates no Microstamping technology at all. Their rebuttal research of Microstamping has not convinced the courts at all, so they are reduced to bogus threats, which excludes them from the California semi-automatic pistol marketplace.

Ruger just said they would not comply, gave excuses, bailed on the consumer base, threatened Law Enforcement with abandonment of product and repairs should they enforce the Microstamping law requirement as it stands. They even have the audacity to threaten California to rescind the Microstamping manufacturing law, by letting thirty semi-automatic pistol types fall off the safety roster, which seems like an extremely childish demand to me.

Smith & Wesson response left little to speculate, other that they deemed their products "the best with the latest innovations"[9] 

I guess these "latest innnovations" don't include NanoTagging AKA Microstamping ejected shell casing for gun crime technological advancements. 

Smith & Wesson makes a lot more than thirty semi-automatic pistols.

That is a whole heap of whining and crying for grown men and women to do in the 21st Century,--in this age of technological advancements that secures additional safety within American society.


Todd Lizotte: Co-Inventor of Microstamping explains the process in his own words.

Microstamping Research Papers:

1) Forensic Firearm Identification of Semiautomatic Handguns Using Laser Formed Microstamping Elements: 2008, Todd E. Lizotte, Orest Ohar

2) Ballistic Imaging: 2008 The National Academies Press

3) Extracting Ballistic Forensic Intelligence: Microstamped Firearms Deliver Data for Illegal Firearm Traffic Mapping – Technology: 2009 Orest P. Ohar, Todd E. Lizotte 

4) What Micro Serialized Firing Pins Can Add to Firearm Identification in Forensic Science: How Viable are Micro-Marked Firing Pin Impressions as Evidence?: 2006 David Howitt PhD, Frederic A. Tulleners, Michael T. Beddow 

5) NanoTag Markings From Another Perspective: 2006 George G. Krivosta

6) Objective analysis of toolmarks in forensics: 2013 Taylor Nicole Grieve

7) Ammunition Marking: Small Arms Survey, 2011 Giacamo Persi Paoli
Footnote references:

[1] California Firearms Laws 2007, pg.34
[2] Declaration of Michael Fifer, filed Jan. 28, 2014, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California, Pena vs. Lindley, pg. 2, Paragraph 5, lines 24-25
[3] Declaration of Michael Fifer, filed Jan. 28, 2014, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California, Pena vs. Lindley, pg. 2, Paragraph 6, lines 27-28
[4] California Department of Justice, Division of Law Enforcement, Bureau of Firearms, Certification of Microstamping Technology pursuant to Penal Code section 31910, subdivision (b) (7) (A)
[5] America Bar Association, Adopted By The House Of Delegates, August 9-10, 2010, Recommendation
[6] Forensic Firearm Identification of Semiautomatic Handguns Using Laser Formed Microstamping, Todd E. Lizotte and Orest Ohar, 2008 SPIE Annual Optics & Technology Conference, Optical Technologies for Arming, Safing, Fuzing, and Firing IV Conference, illustration-pg. 7
[7] Forensic Firearm Identification of Semiautomatic Handguns Using Laser Formed Microstamping, Todd E. Lizotte and Orest Ohar, 2008 SPIE Annual Optics & Technology Conference, Optical Technologies for Arming, Safing, Fuzing, and Firing IV Conference, illustration-pg. 8
[8] Forensic Firearm Identification of Semiautomatic Handguns Using Laser Formed Microstamping, Todd E. Lizotte and Orest Ohar, 2008 SPIE Annual Optics & Technology Conference, Optical Technologies for Arming, Safing, Fuzing, and Firing IV Conference, illustration-pg.13
[9] Smith & Wesson® Addresses California Microstamping Legislation: January 23, 2014