Saturday, February 22, 2014

There Is No High Road! How to deal with a Constitutionalist

Well, this has been a fruitful experience being involved with the Gunsense movement.

I've found that most people discussing the matter of gun violence in America are not as interested in ending it as they are in the total convolution of the situation, as it stands today. There are two very definitive sides displayed when discussing the matter, and apparently neither side can conceive of giving into any type of negotiation.

I've written on the subject, from my perspective.

I have experience on the subject and a wealth of experience on the subject.

Not that this has mattered to either side.

Let me explain what I mean.

From a Progun aspect, I'm a traitor to the "cause". The "cause" being, "The 2nd Amendment", "The Right to Keep and Bear Arms", the right to watch "the tree of Liberty" be refreshed "with the blood of patriots and tyrants". I've been stalked, threatened, and verbally attacked by Constitutionalist, Libertarians, Republicans, Conservatives, Neo-Conservatives, and yes--even sometime Gunsense people who have mistaken me for being Progun, because I've worked in the gun industry. There are differences between people. There are responsible gun owners, and there are many guns owned in America.

Guns are something that are not going to go away.

From the Gunsense aspect, I'm an ally only to a certain extent, because I do not agree with the banning of firearms of any type. I believe in regulating them. I believe in Universal Background Checks and integrating that system with Microstamping (on whatever level can be achieved by doing so). I am not a fan of RFID or Smart Guns, based on the aspect of failed electronic components, electrical surges, and battery depletion when defending one's self or family.

I don't mince words.

I'm practical.

Smart guns, in theory, may be proven to be unreliable, based on an increase in Solar Flares, Coronal Mass Ejections or Electromagnetic Pulse. Provable by any and every Astrophysicist (or Eletrical Engineer), brought into court and deposed by the Progun side,--once asked, "Has there been an increase in solar activity since...say....1993?"...with the answer being a resounding "Yes", the case for Smart Guns is lost--completely. Bringing up Smart Guns again (once they are found sound and full proof,...yeah, right) would be considered a frivolous attempt,--and ANY person previously involved in Smart Gun promotion (in its current scientific state) would be looked upon as a bringer of class action lawsuits based on faulty technology. (Because ..."Has the Sun Changed its behavior" or "Is EMP defeatable,...because so far it hasn't been defeated"?)

So, here we are.

Now we're stuck with a steady increase in gun trafficking throughout the United States. From my standpoint, a lot of gun crime can be reduced by everyone cooperating. As we all can see, that is not happening, and from where I stand, it is not going to happen. We must ask ourselves, what level is either side willing to take their fight too?

Molon Labe, TCOT, Constitutionalist say they are willing to shed their blood,-- so they say. Although I do not believe them, I do think that they think they are capable of initiating a fight with government, but haven't quite yet figured it out or accepted the fact that they are incapable of finishing that fight, while instituting a "new" set of Articles of Confederation, and creating a "new" government. Within that, because this is not a TV show, and they obviously are not aware of the NATO agreement with the United States in securing peace within this nation, the concept of to "insure domestic tranquility" may reach beyond our borders. 

It's called Continuity of Government.

I've had a lot of people tell me that the government will never attack Americans, or use American forces to quell disruptive *armed, belligerent forces on walk American soil. The Molon Labe movement is trying to sell itself as "peaceful, law-abiding" citizens"; those of the open carry persuasion who say do not endanger American society, but are simple people who just simply practice/exercise their 2nd Amendment rights, according to the Constitution. Well, the simple practice of arming yourselves,--and roaming the street in in large groups--, armed with fairly modern 'civilianized' military weaponry, in protest of American government about 2nd Amendment rights that have not been infringed on, or impinged on by 'civilized' laws that keep Americans safe,--is not really a 'practice',--but more of a statement of fact,-- that the level of insanity they are willing to take it to, makes your life miserable and unpredictable.

War is hell.

Civil War is worse.

Some think that a second Civil War could never happen, and the they really don't know how one could ever begin in the first place. All Civil Wars being with propaganda and disagreement. That type of propaganda has been floating around America, in the World of Guns for close to two decades now. Just because you haven't heard of it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It does. So, when people in America are talking about the Second Civil War in America, of nullification laws pertaining to Federal authority, do you think they just woke up one moring and decide to revolt against the United States government?

The White Ayran Resistance has posted on the internet, Civil War Two, The Coming Breakup of America, free of charge. It's a $60 book. It's not much different than The Turner Diaries. The book was written by Thomas Chitum, a devout racial separatist, former mercenary, and firm believer that people of America soon will face a Balkanization in the United States. The driving force of this racial separation, comes from what he call people in the United States becoming tribal, for the own survival.

I hope you are following this, because as irritating as it is, this is the underlying dialogue of the Progun movement, whether they admit it or not. People like Alex Jones are attached to such literary works, and promote the ideals of Thomas Chitum. In an open letter to The Free Republic, Chitum spins the yarn of why he wrote Civil War Two. His denial is evident, and can be found at the bottom of the linked thread in his open letter. What happens to be true, in this instance, is not whether or not Chitums ideas of how Civil War Two begins and ends, it's how it provoked in the first place. He helped to begin, what will be a major part of the future provocations. By the mere fact that this book has had almost twenty years to simmer in the melting pot of American culture, without out the knowledge of its existence to those in Gunsense, their seeds of dissent have already been planted, had time to grow and brought forth fruit, which mutated into mush more elusive and grotesque.

You cannot pretend to don't see the racial indifference at the heart of America, when it comes to black children being executed by use of Koch Brothers/ALEC funded "Stand Your Ground" laws all over America. No one can. Of course, you can deny it has anything to do 'race', if you so chose, but having known about Civil War Two nineteen years ago, anyone could have predicted this current racial climate in America. Even if a a black President had not been elected. It was preordained by racist propaganda hidden from the public purview, read by many a man in secret, with information passed on by word of mouth, to those who believe it will eventually come to pass. A war between the races.

I read everything, including having read this book in full, and  I enjoy learning as much as I could about this author and his allegiances and his alliances long before his denial of them.

I'm different though. I've tweeted back and forth with those, who most Gunsense people would never consider speaking with at all based on their Progun stance. I've challenged their ideals based on subjects which have not come to pass, and try to see how deeply they are entrenched in the propagandist literature that's been cycling around the Progun lobby for decades now. Books like this never hit the New York Times Best Sellers list, but that doesn't mean they don't ultimately have a very profound impact on American culture, and how that culture is viewed.

The Turner Diaries, Civil War Two, Operation Vampire Killer 2000, may be underground tomes, which many of you are not familiar with, but they laid the foundation for the Tea Party and Libertarian movements. So, there appearance is absolutely no surprise to me. Their formulation is in these books. I don't suggest anyone read them, unless you what to see the roots of what you're fight against, if you're a Gunsense member. Because once you see what you're up against, then you'll begin to understand the way they think and the things they say.

Once you begin to understand the essence of what you're up against, you may begin to change your mind about taking them on. Because their biggest weapon is not their AR-15 or AK-47. It's years of racialist propaganda, subtle and abject, direct and to the point, about how and why Manifest Destiny should be maintained at all cost. They use every stereotypical abstract they can find to futher this agenda, no matter who dies in the process.

If you've ever wondered how a Ted Nugent, or Rev. Terry Jones, or David Duke can possibly be taken seriously, then maybe you should read these text, because they make the irrational racist viewpoints seem reasonable, to an acceptable extent, where the functional illiterate is concerned. If you've ever listened to the undertones of a Alex Jones, or Sean Hannity, or Rush Limbaugh, or Glenn Beck, you can see some of the more moderate hate speech come to life, based on these same books and their intrinsic principles. If you need a much more educated viewpoint of racialist, then read the works of Zbigniew Brizinski (Out of Control: Global Turmoil On The Eve of the 21st Century) or Dinesh D'Sousa (End of Racism), or even Herrnstein and Murray (The Bell Curve), because these books also laid the ground work for the current "post-racial" society we now live in.

I have to laugh when I say, "post-racial", because we haven't even begun to address the failure of the Reconstruction Period.

When reading these books, you'll have to keep and open mind, because you'll begin to understand the reason Dunn shot Davis and Zimmerman shot Martin. You'll see why they consider themselves victims, or potential victims and dominating victors in the end, in their final analysis. But more often than not, Gunsese is taken advantage of because it wants to take a so-called "high-road", where there is no high road to take! They want to be above it all, and have no idea who or what they are dealing with. It makes you wonder why Progun thinks they are winning? It's because they know you and what you fear. They know what they are reading and they know what you refuse to read or get involved it. They know your feelings are easily hurt and that you block them, or don't even consider learning about how guns work, in hopes that if you scream loud enough, those guns will just fall of the face of the Earth, and that gun nuts will disappear along with them.

They won't.

Their cause is by design, not by accident.

Their arguments are by design, not by accident.

Their repetition is by design, not accident. 

And, you need to ask yourself, "Am I prepared for this in the long hall?".

Now, answer it with these questions.

1) Have I read any of those books that he said I should read?

2) Is it important I know what I'm spending my time invested in (Gunsense)?

3) If I read these books, will it hardened my way of thinking?

Sometimes, based on certain responses to questions on the issue of Gunsense, I feel like I'm alone in this fight, because so many people refuse to understand what they are up against. Oh, I get that you want gun violence to end, but what are you actually doing about it? So far as learning about what industry you are taking on, and how to take this fight to them with knowledge and not insecurity and fear? I don't want to be present when they shoot down the Smart Gun based on price and reliability.

Every one of those books contains the essence of something that you've heard in a Gunsense thread, at one time or another. Especially the Libertarian diatribe, continuously spewed over and over again. If you think I'm lying, then you'll understand the connection between Open Carry Texas, C.J. Grisham, and Alex Jones.

If you understand the connection between Alex Jones and Operation Vampire Killer 2012, then you'll understand the concept of overthrowing the so-called Prison Planet and Operation Vampire Killer 2000 (1992).

Or, you can remain unlearned about the people who have connected these dots for over twenty years, and why you fail to make much headway in your struggle against them because you refuse to understand their ideology.

No one ever said you had to accept it.

But, not understanding it is akin to allowing yourself to be manipulated by it in the conversations they control, by saying "Take the Higher Road".

I will say this loud and clear:


Their subversive cause, which has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment began long before Gunsense, and Gunsense can no longer pretend that it didn't.

UPDATE 2/24/2014: James Bond Gun Legislation Misfires AKA "Smart Guns"
          (this Forbes article was supplied by Debbi Morello. Thanks, Debbi! )

UPDATE 2/27/2014: NRA Members In Their Own Words
          (these NRA Facebook excerpts supplied by



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